Calculation tool for total biogas storage

In line with the expansion of biogas production in Denmark, we see a tendency towards the establishment of new and larger units. At the same time, existing plants are being expanded, so that at many biogas plants we are approaching a gas storage of 10 tonnes of biogas and above, which means that the company is covered by the Risk Decree.

Against this background, PlanEnergi, in collaboration with Aarhus University and with support from the Danish Energy Agency via EUDP, has prepared a leaflet and an underlying calculation tool in Excel to calculate the total gas storage at the biogas plants.

The leaflet describes very briefly how the tool can be used. Legislation, planning, procedure etc. are also described. Regarding to investigate whether a biogas plant is covered by the Risk Order or not.

You can download the leaflet here


The calculation tool is based on various gas storage options, and thereby calculates the total gas storage at the biogas plant. The calculated result will show whether, on the basis of the circulation, the biogas plant will be covered by the Risk Decree.

You can download the calculation tool here

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Calculation tool for total biogas storage