Placement of Energy Facilities

PlanEnergi has many years of experience with the placement of technical facilities in the landscape, including the placement of large wind farms, solar parks, solar systems, thermal storage, biogas plants, as well as transmission lines for electricity and pipelines for heat and gas.

PlanEnergi sees a need for holistic thinking to a greater degree, when it comes to placing energy facilities in the open country. On the concrete level, we propose for the technical synergies of co-location of new energy plants to be included in the planning of new energy plants. This is done in line with the more classical planning consideration for nature, landscape and future settlements.

PlanEnergi has all the technical and planning skills required for finding a suitable location for future energy plants. This includes organizing of the procedures necessary to involve citizens and key stakeholders.

The choice of using an area of land for energy purposes is a highly discussed topic and is oftenly claimed to result in negative effects for the local environment. Being a part in this debate, PlanEnergi has created a a booklet on the biological and environmental aspects of placing large-scale solar energy plants on farmland.