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Solar District Heating
PlanEnergi offers total consultancy and project management of large solar heating projects. PlanEnergi was a consultant for some of the first attempts on large solar heating plants in the late 1980s, and has worked in the field ever since. Thanks to the last 30 years of development in the field, solar heating is currently expanding rapidly in Denmark.
PlanEnergi has been involved in many large solar heating projects in Denmark, by being plant owner consultant and project manager of app. 20 solar heating projects for district heating.
PlanEnergi has also assisted several district heating plants with regulatory procedures, e.g. local development plan, EIA, application for environmental approval and project proposals according to the Danish Heat Supply Act.
Please find a map of the development of large solar heating plants for district heating in Denmark.
Please also see the current solar heating production in Denmark at www.solarheatdata.eu.
Selected project examples here:
- One of the world’s largest solar thermal plants in combination with a seasonal heat storage in Dronninglund
- Solar thermal plant for district heating in Marstal
- Solar thermal plant in Brædstrup, in combination with a borehole heat storage
- Solar thermal plant in Aulum at 15,890 m2, which may yield approx. 22 % of Aulum District Heating’s production
- A combined CSP and ORC plant at Brønderslev Supply, where PlanEnergi has contributed the design and overall planning of the project. Please watch the video from Aalborg CSP: “Construction of 16.6 MWth CSP solar heating plant in Brønderslev”
- Furthermore PlanEnergi is involved in several international SDH-projects, e.g. the SDHp2m-project and several tasks under the IEA SHC-programme.
- Asaa District Heating (Regulatory procedures)
- Aulum District Heating (Regulatory procedures, Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Brædstrup District Heating (Regulatory procedures, Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Dronninglund District Heating (Regulatory procedures, Project and Construction Management)
- Hjallerup District Heating (Regulatory procedures and Project Management)
- Karup Heating Plant (Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Løgstrup Heating Plant (Regulatory procedures, Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Løgumkloster District Heating (Design of overall system and economic calculations. Contracts for solar collectors and heat pump. Measuring program)
- Løkken Varmeværk (Regulatory procedures)
- Marstal District Heating (Regulatory procedures, Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Ringkøbing District Heating (Regulatory procedures, Solar 2)
- Rye Cogeneration Plant (Regulatory procedures, Tender, Project and Construction Management)
- Skørping Heating Plant (Regulatory procedures)
- Strandby Heating Plant (Design of the overall system and economic calculations. Project management for the entire project)
- Tversted Cogeneration Plant (Regulatory procedures, Project and Construction Management)
- Vildbjerg Heating Plant (Regulatory procedures and Tender for solar panels)
Fjernsol II
You can download the solar thermal modelling tool Fjernsol II here.