PlanEnergi - 40 years of green transition

The beginning

In the 1980s, renewable energy projects were on the agenda in the Northern part of Jutland, and in 1983 it inspired to new business opportunities for four far-sighted people, all with a background in the renewable energy movement. “Imagine that you can contact an independent consulting firm and get competent advice concerning all forms of renewable energy and energy efficiency”

That was the background for PlanEnergi which was then established as a an independent consultancy firm. The company was – quite untraditionally – created as a non-profit fund (a self governing business institution)

The present
PlanEnergi is an independent institution whose purpose is to promote the use of resource-saving and environment-preserving systems. We want to promote this through commercial activities within renewable energy, rational energy utilization and energy planning as well as information activities.
Today district heating has developed to integrated systems tailored for each city. Main elements are optimization and expansion of grids, utilization of all kinds of excess heat, heat pumps, solar thermal, geothermal heat, biomass and thermal storages to provide flexibility and sector coupling to electricity and gas sectors.

Strategic energy planning has developed to climate planning where net zero emissions is the target and strong stakeholder involvement and integration in municipal and regional planning is a must

PlanEnergis main office is still in Skørping. In addition, we have a department in Copenhagen and one in Central Århus.

Today we have a strong customer base consisting of some of the most progressive district heating companies, municipalities and regions in Denmark as well as a good international network, which includes regular partners in particular Germany, Italy, Austria, Ireland, Spain and France as well as projects in China.

The future

PlanEnergi’s future equals its past. The objective is unchanged. We want to be at the forefront in what concerns the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency within all key areas. We want to contribute to increasing the dissemination of knowledge and networks while hoping for increasing ambitions in terms of conversion from use of fossil fuels. This will result in projects with sustainable islands, cities and countries where renewable energy is not the goal but a means of better welfare, jobs and a better environment.


PlanEnergi is managed by a board consisting of five ordinary members and three employee representatives. The members are personally appointed so that, as far as possible, they represent the business areas that PlanEnergi prioritizes. The board is self-supporting and can delegate management responsibilities.

PlanEnergi has a flat structure. All significant decisions are discussed by the employee council, which recommends approval to the board. All employees are part of the employees’ council. We meet in the employee council several times a year.

Rules of procedure for the board of PlanEnergi_February 2024

Our board

Bjarne Rasmussen


Coordinator of sustainable development - Cand. Arch., Master in Experience Management, Environmental Planner (Eco-Auditor).

Member of the board since 29 April 2010.

Experience and competences:

Spread of renewable energy and sustainable development - both theoretical and practical; Citizen involvement and multi-stakeholder interaction; Innovation processes; Business development; Public regulation and planning; Management and organizational development; Strategy development and implementation; International cooperation; Board work – private sector, public sector, NGO.

Bjarke Rambøll

Deputy chairman

Head of Secretariat in the environmental organization, renewable energy – Civil engineer. 

Member of the board since 29 April 2010.

Experience and competences:

Strategic organizational development and management focusing on value-based organizations; Politics and advocacy work in a Danish and international context; Sustainable development and the role of renewable energy in this; International cooperation and networking; Citizen involvement processes and cross-sector collaborations.

Line Markert

Board member

Energy, Infrastructure, ESG. Lawyer, strategic sparring partner.

Member of the board since 27 January 2023.

Experience and competences:

Energy, legal advice, contract law, business strategy, change management, construction law, contract negotiation, dispute resolution, organizational development, public law.

Per Kristensen

Board member

Engineer E

Member of the board since 27 January 2023.

Experience and competences:

Leading positions within both the electricity and district heating industry as well as independent consulting engineering business. Spread of renewable energy and sustainable development - both theoretical and practical, IEA and EU auspices.

Iva Ridjan Skov

Board member

Associate Professor @ AAU, power-to-X, electrofuels, smart energy systems

Member of the board since June 2023.

Experience and competences:

Energy Planning, Renewable Energy Systems, PtX, Renewable Energy, Research, Sustainable Development, Analysis

Lars Reinholdt

Employee representative

Line Borup

Employee representative

Geoffroy Gauthier

Employee representative

Contact us

Central Jutland Vestergade 48 H – 8000 Århus C

Northern Jutland Jyllandsgade 1 – 9520 Skørping

Zealand Nørregade 13, 1. – 1165 København K

Phone +45 9682 0400

VAT DK 7403 8212