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(District) Heat Planning
Through preparation of project proposals for district heating projects with solar heat, heat pumps, heat storages, biomass, biogas, geothermal, waste and the combination of these, PlanEnergi has an in-depth knowledge of the Heat Supply Act and the technical challenges related to the future heat supply.
In support of a municipality’s heat planning at various levels of detail, PlanEnergi can analyse the possibilities for reorganizing the municipality’s heat supply. The analyses differ widely – from screening the possibilities using GIS-based tools to concrete calculations for the establishment of new district heating and new production technologies at district heating plants.
PlanEnergi also assists municipalities in assessing project proposals under the Heat Supply Act.
PlanEnergi has carried out analyses to support heat planning for, among others, the following municipalities:
- Skive
- Lemvig
- Skanderborg
- Sønderborg
- Hedensted
- Bornholm Regional Municipality
- Svendborg