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Sustainable Solutions in Rural Areas
The conversion of the district heating supply to renewable energy is well under way in many places. Outside the cities, however, the conversion is often carried out randomly and in an uncoordinated manner.
In PlanEnergi we believe in holistic strategies for rural energy supply, where municipal development initiatives and strategies for energy supply go together. Strategies must be based on local challenges and opportunities. In this way, municipalities can make an effort and develop selected land areas into attractive home sites with sustainable energy supply and associated job openings.
PlanEnergi is well experienced in considering the energy supply an integral part of a rural development strategy, as in the following:
- Midt.energistrategi, a cross-municipal cooperation run by PlanEnergi in cooperation with Region Midtjylland
- Ærø – analyses of the island’s technical and economic possibilities for conversion to fossil-free energy supply
- Samsø – analyses of the possibilities for conversion to fossil-free transport
- The village initiative, Føns – establishment of a district heating plant