In 2015, Denmark, together with the UN’s other 192 member states, undertook to live up to the UN’s agenda for sustainable development until 2030. Overall, this means that the member states live up to the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development. The 17 Global Goals are universal and mutually dependent goals that together contribute to more sustainable development.

Since its inception in 1983, PlanEnergi has worked with sustainable solutions for the transformation of the energy system within energy planning and the establishment of renewable energy plants. It is therefore natural for PlanEnergi to incorporate the 17 global goals into daily operations because we care and want to contribute to a green future.

How we support

The aim is to ensure universal access to electricity at an affordable price and to significantly increase the share of renewable energy – i.e. ensure that everyone has access to reliable, sustainable and modern energy at an affordable price. Global Goal 7 contributes to the fulfilment of the Danish government’s 2030 and 2050 objectives, including the goal of a CO2-neutral district heating sector in 2030.

The UN’s Global Goal 7 is highlighted as the core goal associated with PlanEnergi. Global Goal 7 includes PlanEnergi’s work fields within:

  • Renewable energy
  • Energy planning and
  • Rational use of energy

The professional work within the above areas takes place in PlanEnergis Teams, which include projects and the establishment of renewable energy; solar energy, heat pumps, wind turbines, biogas, planning of technical facilities as well as integration of sectors across sectors via sector coupling and energy storage.

Since the establishment of PlanEnergi, PlanEnergi’s objectives have met the sub-goals of World Goal 7 and today continue to be supported in the points under PlanEnergi’s mission.

The overall aim is to build robust infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and support innovation.

PlanEnergi contributes to Goal 9 via concrete projects within:

– District heating – spread of district heating and implementation of renewable energy in district heating systems ensures robust, test-friendly and sustainable heat for more consumers in Denmark and internationally

– Planning (and establishment) of large technical facilities for electricity produced from renewable energy sources (solar and wind)

– Sector coupling via biogas, PtX, storage, heat pumps and district heating

– Innovation and development via EUDP and international projects

The overall purpose is to make cities, local communities and settlements inclusive, safe, robust and sustainable. In Denmark, physical planning has been decentralized since the 1970s, and the public has been involved in the decision-making process. Today, it is the municipalities that, within overall state interests, plan how the Danish cities and countryside will develop. All proposals are subject to consultation or public debate.

PlanEnergi’s specific mission is to adapt the solutions locally and, as far as possible, include co-ownership and citizen involvement in the advice. PlanEnergi works closely with district heating plants, biogas plants, municipalities, regions and other partners regarding the transition to renewable energy supply in Denmark and local communities at various levels.

The aim is to ensure sustainable consumption and forms of production. That is the goal is about effective management of our common natural resources and the way we dispose of toxic waste and pollutants, as well as encouraging industries, businesses, and consumers to recycle and reduce their waste.

Part of this goal lies in PlanEnergi’s overall purpose:

The institution’s purpose is to promote the use of resource-saving and environment-preserving systems.

The purpose is sought to be promoted through commercial activities within renewable energy, rational energy utilization, and energy planning as well as information activities.

In order to keep temperature increases at bay, quick action must be taken to combat climate change and its consequences. In general for Denmark, it applies that Denmark has ratified the climate agreement from Paris (COP21). 

Denmark supports the EU’s climate target of at least 40 per cent. reduction in emissions of greenhouse gases

2030, the EU’s target for renewable energy of at least 27 per cent. in 2030, as well as the EU’s indicative target for energy efficiency of at least 27 per cent. in 2030.

Part of this goal lies in PlanEnergi’s overall purpose:

Our purpose is to promote the use of resource-saving and environment-preserving systems.

The purpose is sought to be promoted through commercial activities within renewable energy, rational energy utilization and energy planning as well as information activities.

We work actively to implement renewable energy and thereby reduce emissions. When there is a discharge, this can be included in a PtX plant and converted into Methanol or ammonia.

It was set up from the day PlanEnergi was born that we go for a green world. That means that we strengthen our expertise, gain experience and share our knowledge. PlanEnergi cooperates with experts, private sector, universities etc at local, national and global levels. Because we care and we share

The aim is to strengthen women’s rights and opportunities and stop discrimination against women and girls.

One of PlanEnergi’s core values is “equality” which for example implies equal salary for all of our employees.

The goal is to promote economic growth by creating higher productivity and technological breakthroughs and achieve full and productive employment and decent jobs for all women and men by 2030.

PlanEnergi participates in creating new and developing existing technologies that help to develop the area in general and to make using and storage of renewables more efficient.