Waste Water Heat Pump at Rødkærsbro District Heating Plant
Excess heat from wastewater from Arla Foods in Rødkærsbro is utilized for district heating in Rødkærsbro. This happens by means of a heat pump of 1.6 MWheat which produces district heat at the required forwardtemperature of the grid. PlanEnergi has contributed to the elaboration of the preliminary project and the application to The Danish Energy Agency’s demonstration program, which supported the project with 2.4 mio. DKK. Subsequently, PlanEnergi has been the consultant to the plant owner in the project consisting of:
An electric heat pump with a heat effect of 1.6 MW and a COP of 4.8
Heat exchanger station at Arla’s treatment plant including incision into wastewater pipeline
Transmission pipeline between Arla’s wastewater treatment plant and Rødkærsbro District Heating plant for transport of low temperature excess heat from wastewater
Transmission pipeline between Arla and Rødkærsbro District Heating plant for transport of excess heat from a biogas engine