Advisory scheme for joint biogas plants

Rapid discharge of slurry results in increased biogas production

PlanEnergi is the project manager for the Danish Agency for Agriculture’s project “Advisory scheme for joint biogas plants and their suppliers of manure on options to reduce the residence time of manure in barns and warehouses 2018 – 2020”. The overall aim of the project is to reduce the methane loss from manure in barns, by reducing the time from the manure being in the barn until it is transported to degassing in a biogas plant in order to increase gas production and improve the biogas plant’s climate effect. The project includes 28 joint biogas plants and 405 suppliers of pig manure.

The joint biogas plants are advised on the economic and social significance it may have in relation to CO2 savings etc. At the manure suppliers, the stable system is mapped, and the current methane loss during current operation is calculated in relation to the residence time of the manure. They must be advised on how the residence time can be reduced by changing procedures for turning out in the stables and/or changes in stable systems.

The advice is substantiated with concrete eradication tests of manure from selected stables, which document the difference in methane yield with short and long residence time in stables. The project must generate knowledge about which stable systems and especially manure discharge systems can handle frequent discharge of manure.

The project is carried out in collaboration with Byggeri & Teknik and Svinerådgivningen, Herning, AU Aarhus University and Norlys.

The consultancy project is financed via a grant from the Finance Act. The money has been set aside as a result of a political agreement between the Government and S, DF, R and SF in connection with partial withdrawal of the green pool of 14 June 2017.

Project video

Learn more about our project in this video

Project team

Our professional team that worked on this project